Admiral Seccour materialized on the transporter pad of the Starchase. A security officer moved forward. "We are honored by your presence on the Starchase, Admiral," he said. Seccour nodded. "Take me to sickbay." The Security officer led him to the appropriate deck. Seccour walked in to see Aurora there. Chance was still unconscious, and was contained in a force field on a biobed. Aurora was sitting nearby, looking at him. "Aurora," Seccour spoke. She looked over at her father, a smile reaching her lips. She moved forward and embraced him. "Father, it has been too long apart." "Yes, but we both have duties to fulfill." "Yes." Seccour looked to Chance. "He still hasn't awakened?" "No." "Perhaps it would be best to destroy him like this, without him being aware of anything." Kerok noticed Aurora's frown. "Aurora, you have been loyal to me and to the USI for a very long time. Do not let your love jeopardize your loyalty." "But Manaka..." "You know how it has to be." Aurora nodded. She was torn...between the man she loved, and the father she loved. She didn't know what to do. ...and then an idea came to her. She knew exactly what she could do.

“” “Report!” “” “Well, then get to work Chief, get it off our hull,” Kev answered. “Secondary systems failing,” Lt Tray reported. “Wait, Solran, I have an idea,” Kev said. “” "If it is power it wants, then let's NOT feed it," he said. The bridge crew looked at him, confused. Kev stood up and approached the screen. "Every amount of energy and power we put forth, this creature is feeding on. So, cut off power, it lets us go and feeds elsewhere." "What about life support?" asked Lt. Tray. "We keep it minimal. Chief, I need a torpedo altered to put off some serious energy. Can you do it?" “” "Just do it. I am sending you plans for a little surprise to put inside. I want that torpedo armed and filled with several types of explosives."

Seccour entered the bridge and was greeted by Captain Jenkins. "Admiral, welcome to the bridge," she said. "Thank you, Captain," Kerok responded. "What is the situation?" "We have a ship that claims to be the Hexan, sitting off of our port side. Their markings are similar to that of USI approximately 40 years ago, but something isn't right here. Not to mention the fact that the Hexan disappeared around the time Sklavus began his reign of terror." Seccour nodded, taking in the information. He looked at his old ship, pulling back memories from so long ago. It was almost a sense of deja vu to see his old command again. "What is their status?" he asked her finally. "Well, our subspace creature is attacking their systems, hopefully to weaken them. They had tried to send an away team over here, presumably to rescue their Captain." "I see." "Captain, we have an unauthorized shuttle launch in shuttle bay 3," the Lt. at Ops informed them. "What?" she said, turning to him. "Who is it?" "There are two people onboard." "Open a channel to them." "Open, Sir." "Return to this ship at once," Captain Jenkins called out. "This is an unauthorized launch." Aurora Seccour's image appeared on the viewscreen. "Sorry, Captain. I have to do this." Chance Modaine was unconscious on the bunk behind her. Seccour looked at her incredulously. "Aurora, what do you think you are doing?" "I am sorry, Manaka, but I must do this. Chance won't be a threat here in the future, because he will never return to the time to begin the reign of Sklavus." "Aurora, you are disobeying all that we stand for!!" he practically yelled at her. Aurora winced. "You know I would never disobey you, father, except in this one case. I am sorry that I have to go against you, but you know that I love him." The viewscreen returned to that of the Hexan. Seccour was enraged. "Bring her back to this ship NOW!” Jenkins jumped at the sudden outburst. "Admiral, we need to focus our attentions at the Hexan. If her crew is as clever as history says, then we need to be ready, I.." started Jenkins. Seccour stepped forward to Jenkins and grabbed her by the head with both hands. "Listen to me carefully. We cannot let Modaine get away. If you remember your history lessons, Modaine is Sklavus, the Overlord of the Darkarians. It was because of him, we lost millions." "I..I am.." said Jenkins. "A captain with no sense of priorities. Get me a shuttle ready and an assault team. Modaine will die.. be it by my hand or otherwise."

Total chapters: 12