Kev couldn't sleep, so he wandered over to the bridge just to see what was going on. The night staff acknowledged him as he made his way to his chair. Lt. JG Vok from Security was on duty. "Sir can I show you something," he asked Kev. “Of course Vok. What is it?" "Well, when you asked me to set up security tonight for the party, I took the liberty of recording everything that was said in there. I have just finished going through it, and let me show you what was said." Kev watched as Vok played back the part where Captain Jenkins and her security officer were talking amongst themselves saying that the return of the Hexan could be an impact on their future. "What do you make of that sir?" Kev replied, "Interesting, Vok, and you have done well. I don't think that we have enough information on the future to judge what is happening. We might have to have a look at some computer records tomorrow, if we can get our hands on them. But, for now, keep it to yourself. Tell Lt. Fein about it, but no one else. I will let the Captain know." With that Kev walked out. Kevcabana was just about to enter his quarters when the blast happened. "What was that?!" He hit his comm badge. "Kevcabana to bridge. Report!" "Sir, the Starchase has opened fire on us." "What? I'm coming to the bridge." Another blast rocked the ship as Kevcabana returned to the bridge. When he got there, he moved into the command chair. "Hail them!" "No response, Sir," Anton reported from ops. Another blast hit the ship. "Shields down to 60%," Vok reported from the Security console. A sharper blast echoed on the opposite side of the ship. "What was that? Another phaser blast?" Kev asked. "No, Sir," Lt. JG Tray reported. "This area of space is unstable, possibly due to the rift we passed through. It is destabilizing under the Starchase's fire." "Open a channel," Kevcabana said. "USI Starchase, you must stop your attack immediately! You could destroy both of our ships!"

Chance awoke from a deep sleep as the ship rocked violently, spilling him onto the floor. He activated his shoulder comm. “Chance to the Bridge, what just happened?” “” came Kevcabana’s response. “I’m on my way.” Chance reached the bridge and entered. Kev was calling out commands, Vok gave reports, and then Jenkins’ face filled the viewscreen. "Hexan, this is Captain Jenkins.. surrender, or die." The communication cut out. "Full power to shields," commanded Chance as he moved into the command chair. "Vok, if they know our shield codes, then we need to find theirs. Use the computer and hit them with every frequency until we get a match. Solran, get our shields up to maximum efficiency. Kev, hail all decks and warn everyone of a possible attack. Anton, prepare an attack team, we board when we find their shield code." "Captain?" asked Kev. "They expect us to use USI strategy. Let's surprise them with something I learned recently." said Chance. "Attack team ready, captain." reported Anton. "Good. Here are your orders: No one is to kill unless it is completely unavoidable. I want the bridge and engineering taken. Disable their source of power and wait for further orders." "Aye, aye, sir." Chance raked his fingernails over the armrest of the command chair as another blast hit the Hexan. He turned to ops. "Continue hailing them. Tell them if they don't stop firing on us, they'll destroy us all." Captain Jenkins face finally appeared on the viewscreen. "Surrendering, Captain?" Chance frowned. "If you continue to attack us, the space we are in will collapse in on itself. The time rift has made it weak." "Our ship is more advanced than you think. Our shields can handle it," she replied smugly. "Not only will your ship be destroyed," Chance continued, "But every ship in the galaxy in every time. It's one of those paradoxes." "I'm in no mood for your games! You are lying. Now do you surrender or not?" "You don't understand..." Chance tried to continue. She looked to her right, and the viewscreen flickered off. Another blast hit them hard. "Where's that attack team?" Chance yelled. Anton Fein responded. “” Chance turned to Lt. Vok at tactical. "Give them everything we've got." "We have been, Sir, the Hexan just can't match that ship's defenses." Another blast rocked them. "Sir, shields are down!" came the report from the engineering console. "Solran, I need power!" Chance yelled. “” Suddenly a team of five people shimmered into existence on the Hexan bridge. The older Aurora was in the lead. They fired at the bridge crewmembers. "Security alert!" someone shouted. Aurora walked over to Chance, grabbed him by the tunic, and pulled him to his feet. She injected a hypospray into his neck, surprising Chance. They both disappeared in a transport beam, the rest of the attack team disappeared seconds later. Lt. JG Vok looked around in shock. It had happened within seconds. He activated his shoulder comm. "Security, Admiral Modaine has been taken from the ship."

Total chapters: 12