Basic Information
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Artificial Intelligence attempts to recreate all aspects of intelligent sentient life-forms, including emotions, colloquial speech and thought, and other nuances of sentient thought and communication. Machine Intelligence attempts to specialize in those aspects of intelligence that machines are especially good at reproducing, and clearly communicate any findings to coworkers.
Artificial Intelligence was the driving force behind many advances in computer science. As it became evident that computer intelligences that mimicked sentient thought were also susceptible to the many mental illnesses that plagued sentient races, a shift took place to Machine Intelligence. Although Machine Intelligence lacks the personality and close relations that AI machines are capable of, they are much more reliable over a long period of time.
## Tech C-2 Core Antiquated (Tech levels 1-3) Early Computer intelligence consisted of Expert Systems which were essentially vast databases of information with easy search and information retrieval algorthyms. Computer Hardware and Software tend to be System Specific. Robotic Systems are program based, and exhibit no true intelligence. (Example: "A Terran will begin to experience brain-death after 4 minutes without oxygen."] ## Tech C-1 Core Backward (Tech Levels 4-6) Advances in Artificial Intelligence produce fully sentient machines. Unfortunately, they also reproduce some of the most alarming forms of Mental Illness known. Advances in Artificial Intelligence stall as solving this problem becomes the focus of Computer Scientists. Computer Hardware and Software begin to adapt to any existing Systems in place. Robotic Systems must rely on the computing power of remote computers. [Example: "I will not answer your question until you apologize for what you said."] ## Tech C-0 Core Standard (Tech Levels 7-9) Machine Intelligence takes the lead in Computer Science, often with friendly simulated personality interfaces. Computer Hardware and Software are completely adaptable to existing systems. Robotic Systems are specialized for a particular purpose. (Example: "Based on John's most recent medical examination and the current temperature in his fighter, I estimate 5.5 minutes before significant temporal lobe damage occurs from lack of oxygen.") ## Tech C+1 Core Innovative (Tech Levels 10-12) Advanced Machine Intelligence continues to overshadow efforts to achieve Artificial Intelligence. Machine thought is fast, very good at sorting and synthesizing vast amounts of information, and capable of initiating actions that it deems necessary without consultation with (slower) sentient beings. Small Machine Intelligence units make General Purpose Robotic Units possible. (Example: "I have remotely reprogrammed John's flight suit to 20 degrees, and purged his fighter's aft heat sink, further reducing the ambient temperature he is experiencing. I estimate John has 6.2 minutes prior to permanent brain damage due to lack of oxygen."] ## Tech C+2 Core Cutting-Edge (Tech Levels 13-15) Many of the complications of Artificial Intelligence have finally been resolved. Artificial Intelligence relies on the many advances in speed and efficiency of Machine Intelligence, and a constant self-monitoring detects and corrects any unwanted behavior patterns before they manifest. Robotic Units attain Android Status, fully mimicking a sentient being. [Example: "I've done everything I can, and we'll still be 5 minutes too late to rescue John. I don't think he would want to go out like this. We should consider the other options."]