# Introduction ![alt text](/static/images/db/1b/1b325274e6c916cba3534afaa8bb5470e3bd801b55c453d113ceb9d2d21cfb96_thumbnail_large.jpg) The Milky way galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy, with 100-400 billion stars and planets. It stretches between 150-200 kly. ^[ Kilo lightyears, 1000 Light years ] There are 59 satellite galaxies, the largest include the Large Magellanic Cloud, Antlia 2, Sagittarius Dwarf, Crater II, the Small Magellanic Cloud, and Canes Venatici I. There are also several stellar streams, or River of Stars which flow through the galaxy, some of which connect to the satellite galaxies. At the center of our galaxy is a super massive black hole known as Saggetarius A* (pronounced A-Star) # Trisectors While earth astronomers have historically divided the galaxy up into four quadrants, a practice still kept by Terrans today, Ancient Expletun explorers and scientists have used a rule of three, and sectioned off the galaxies based on three separate zones known as trisectors: Omega, Delta, and Zeta. They also differentiate the Core and the Rim of the galaxy as unique zones within each trisector. ![alt text](/static/images/db/a3/a3996e4cbf7dab736de31ec3d3d95b16d6d76313e29c0ca36b37291520ce63ce_thumbnail_large.jpg) # Travel Travel throughout the galaxy is achieved through a variety of means from FTL engines to the Expletun STNN conduit system and the Expletun Lightgate which surrounds the SagA* blackhole. Please see their respective pages for more information.
# Large Magellanic Cloud The Large Magellanic Cloud is referred to as Beta by the Expletuns, with Alpha being the Milky Way Galaxy. Not much is known about Beta other than the Expletuns are known to have been there using their lightgate, which is a modified form of the STNN.
![alt text](/static/images/db/86/86c5526a546f4ba0345d7434256f8d4b8a2ad009f0b38fb716ddc8ee2dc93575_thumbnail_large.jpg) This is a political map after the Darkarian holocaust and the subsequent demise of the Hive lead by Torikor.